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ProzillaOS comes with a ton of features that you can tailor to suit your specific needs. Here is a quick overview:


  • Customizable taskbar with a home menu, search menu, pinned apps and utilities
  • Customizable desktop with icons, accompanied by custom wallpapers
  • Virtual drive that can handle files, folders, symbolic links, as well as read from external sources
    • Storage system that stores and loads the virtual drive from local storage


  • Resizable and draggable windows, with dynamic titles, for displaying and interacting with apps, which adapts to the user's screen resolution
  • Native and web-view applications
    • File explorer that interacts with virtual drive and allows user to browse the source code on the website itself
    • Terminal with custom linux-inspired commands
    • Settings application for customizing appearance, managing apps and managing virtual drive
    • Text editor app that can read and write files as well as render markdown files
    • Other applications like a calculator, minigames, image viewer, browser, etc.
  • Standalone system that allows each app to have its own dedicated page in an isolated view, which is also indexable by search engines
  • URL params that trigger an app to open with optional arguments


  • Modals that can be used as context menus, header menus, file selectors, dialog boxes, etc.
  • Advanced actions system, for easily assembling different menus that can handle dropdowns, selections, toggles, shortcuts, etc.


  • Custom wallpapers made in Figma
  • Custom icons made in Figma inspired by Font Awesome
  • Custom color palette

Built by Prozilla