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Self-hosting ProzillaOS

This guide explains how to host ProzillaOS locally on your own device or on your own server.


Make sure you have NodeJS (version v18.12 or higher) installed on your device.

  1. Clone the GitHub repository.

    git clone ProzillaOS
    cd ProzillaOS
  2. Install package manager and dependencies

    npm install pnpm -g
    pnpm install
  3. Build packages and run project

    pnpm run packages:build
    pnpm start
  4. Test local dev server by visiting localhost:3000


Once you have completed the installation process, you can use any of the following scripts to develop ProzillaOS:

# Build packages using Vite lib mode
pnpm run packages:build

# Start the Vite development server of the demo website
pnpm run demo:start

# Start the VitePress development server of the docs website
pnpm run docs:start

Deploying website

Before deploying the website, you will need to update demo/src/config/deploy.config.ts with the appropriate configuration. Remember to make sure your domain settings and output/build directory, in whatever tool you choose to use, matches the configurations in deploy.config.ts. Otherwise, deployment might fail or your website will not be indexable by search engines. Most tools will only allow you to adjust these settings after your intitial setup (and first deployment).

Deploying to GitHub Pages

On your GitHub repository, go to Settings > Pages. Adjust your settings, if necessary, to match your configuration in deploy.config.ts. Set Source to Deploy from a branch and set the branch to gh-pages.

Once your installation and configurations are complete and you have verified that the site works in a development environment, run the following commands in the given order:

pnpm run build # Builds all packages and websites
pnpm run deploy # Stages the websites and deploys them to GitHub Pages

The Vite config for the website includes a plugin that will automatically generate a sitemap, robots.txt file, cname file and other metadata to facilitate deployment and improve SEO. More information about this step can be found here.


To make sure each website works correctly after building them and before deploying them, you may use the pnpm run demo:preview and pnpm run docs:preview scripts.


The pnpm run build script runs the build script for each and every package in the entire project. If you only want to build the packages, demo website or documentation website, use pnpm run packages:build, pnpm run demo:build and pnpm run docs:build respectively. In the deployment process described above, you may substitute pnpm run build with any of these scripts. Make sure you have already built the packages once before building the demo or documentation website or the build will fail.

Deploying to Vercel

Create a new Vercel project and import your GitHub repository. Then configure your project with the values below:

Build command:pnpm run build
Output directory:demo/dist
Install command:pnpm install
Development command:pnpm run start

Deploying to Cloudflare Pages

Create a new Cloudflare Pages application and import your GitHub repository. Then configure your build settings with the values below:

Build command:pnpm run build
Output directory:demo/dist

Releasing packages

To create a new release, run the following commands in the given order:

pnpm run packages:build # Builds all packages
pnpm run packages:update # Creates a new changelog entry
pnpm run packages:release # Releases the latest version of each package along with their changelogs


Module not found

In a local environment, ProzillaOS packages will try to import uncompiled versions of other ProzillaOS packages from their respective src directory. If this does not happen correctly and a package tries to import a compiled version of another package from its respective dist directory, you might run into an error message saying module not found. Executing the command pnpm run packages:build will compile each package into their dist directories and resolve this error.

"Only URLs with a scheme in: file, data, and node are supported by the default ESM loader."

This error may be caused by faulty installations of dependencies and can be fixed by running in the following commands in that case:

pnpm install --fix-lockfile
pnpm run build


Feel free to reach out in our Discord server if you need help with ProzillaOS.

Built by Prozilla